The County of Sacramento McClellan Park Community Facilities District No. 2004-1 (McClellan Park CFD) was established in 2004 to fund the acquisition and construction of sewer, roadway, and storm drainage facilities within the former McClellan Air Force Base. $10.3 million in McClellan Park CFD special tax bonds were issued on September 1, 2004 and on December 8, 2011, $10.4 million in McClellan Park CFD special tax bonds were issued. On November 16, 2017, $29.5 million in McClellan Park CFD (Series 2017) special tax bonds were issued that refunded Series 2004 and Series 2011 bonds and provided new funds for the acquisition and construction of facilities in the McClellan Park CFD. The levy of the McClellan Park CFD special taxes for properties in the district is based on the level of development and the designated use category as assigned to each parcel per the RMA (Levy 0186). These categories are split into four tiers. Tier 1 properties are developed and leased property. Tier 2 properties are developed and un-leased properties that are available for use. Tier 3 properties are leased properties designated as transitional use (not at its highest and best use as defined in the McClellan Reuse Plan). Tier 4 is undeveloped property. For more information, please contact the Special Districts Section at (916) 874-6525.
McClellan Park CFD No. 2004-1– Annual Report to State Controller’s office pursuant to Government Code (CA) Section 12463.2 (AB 2109)McClellan Park CFD No. 2004-1 – Annual Report to California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission pursuant to Government Code (CA) Section 53359.5McClellan Park CFD No. 2004-1 – Annual Report and Map pursuant to Government Code (CA) Section 55343.1McClellan Park CFD No. 2004-1 – Rate and Method Apportionment
McClellan Park CFD No. 2004-1 – Annual Debt Transparency Report to California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission pursuant to Government Code (CA) Section 8855(k) (AB 1666)